Pico de Orizaba

Location: Mexico, Mexico

Pico de Orizaba

Pico de Orizaba as seen from Tlachichuca

Height: 5,636m AMSL

Date Summited: November 5th, 2009, at 08:35  (CDT) – local time

Expedition: Instructional

Route: North face, the Jamapa Glacier


In late October 2009, I left by myself for Mexico with the goal of climbing Iztaccihuatl and Pico de Orizaba. This expedition served as high altitude training and glacier familiarization. Pico de Orizaba is Mexico’s highest point and is the third highest peak in North America. Orizaba is also a volcano and it rises up to 5,636m AMSL. Orizaba is located just a few kilometers away from the Gulf of Mexico, and is therefore subject to poor weather cycles – as proven when I was forced to stay in camp for two days. Fortunately, as I took a chance by climbing in the night of November 5th, the weather cleared near the summit, allowing me to continue my climb. I reached the summit on November 5th, 2009, at 08:35 local time. This expedition was also dedicated to the Canadian Cancer Society, Heatlhpartners, and Centraide. This expedition was made possible through the support of NDHQ Ottawa, and 438 Squadron.

Antoine on the summit of Pico de Orizaba

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