Mt Rainier

Location: Cascade Range, USA 

Height: 4,392m AMSL

Date Summited: March, 2011, summit attempt (weather)

Expedition: Dual (unguided, unassisted and supported)

Route: Gibraltar Ledge (Winter)


Friend Andre Simoneau and I decided to attempt a winter mountaineering challenge in the Cascade Range. We chose to combine Oregon’s highest peak and Washington’s highest peak in a twofer climb. The winter made these climbs quite challenging as it was out of season and the weather proved to be quite extreme. We faced horrendous weather during our climb with deep snow and poor visibility. By the early afternoon of the first day of our ascent, the winds became so violent that we had to dig an emergency bivouac. We built a snow platform and pitched our tent. That night we were shelled with numerous feet of snow and powerful winds. By noon the next morning, with just enough improvement in the weather to descend, we decided to abort our climb.

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